Croissants, Saucisses, Fromages et Chocolat
Today we started from our gorgeous hotel in Gruyeres to the cheese factory where we saw Gruyere swiss cheese in the making. Then we got to taste the cheese. There were 4 different types and of course some of us had to buy more to take home! Then as if we didn't have enough to eat, we were served unlimited amounts of chocolate at the Cailler chocolate factory. This was an incredible visit for people of all ages. There was animation and a story about how chocolate came to be.Then we went back to Gruyeres for lunch and a stroll around the castle wall. Then we headed to Lausanne to enjoy the lake and city. Finally, we drove to Geneva for our last dinner together at Les Brasseurs. The day was beautiful and we got to see Mont Blanc, which is only visible 50 days a year. It took us a long time to reach the restaurant because of the traffic in Geneva. We checked into our hotel by the airport at about 10pm and had to check out at 6 for our flight back home.
3/28/2011 09:57:31 am

That sounds really good! I think i've been there before....

3/28/2011 02:53:09 pm

Out of everywhere I'd love to go to Switzerland. It's so clean and beautiful!! The view is probably so gorgeous.

3/28/2011 03:04:24 pm

The cheese factory must be exciting!

2/27/2012 08:10:34 pm

Nice post. I read your post. It’s very simple and informatics. Thank you for sharing..............


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